Watch Set in Stone (2005) : Full Movie Online Free he 2005 collaboration between adventure film makers Alastair Lee and David Halsted has become one of the most significant British climbing films in years. The film charts the routes of arguably the worlds greatest traditional climber; Dave Birkett. 'Set in Stone' charts Dave's remarkable passion for climbing and the pursuit for a magical line on his beloved Lakeland crags. Featuring the first ascent of 'Return of the King' E9 6c, Dave's latest addition to Scafell's East Buttress - just one of many Lakeland masterpieces including the extraordinary "Nowt Burra Flee'in Thing" (E8 6c) - Cam Crag, Wasdale Screes; a stunningly evocative line. All filmed using innovative techniques, including 'The Brief History of Birkett ' animation which covers the 70 year Birkett family legacy.